machine shop for sale


Paid Member
Well-established metalworking machine shop business located in the west central area of MN. This is a turnkey business with everything a buyer will need. 3 engine lathes, 4 CNC lathes, 1 cnc mill, 2 manual mills, saw, forklift, and all other equipment are included in the sale price including 42 x 120 building with 30 x 30 office. The business has many long-term customers.The business is a great opportunity for someone with management and marketing skills and mechanic skills that has always wanted to be their own boss.


You should go to practical machinist and clear up all the confusion. It seems you try to sell your shop and then vanish on everybody, I think you have pulled
this twice. I think anyone interested should proceed with caution until you explain yourself.


Paid Member
I did talk to the guy that posted there I missed his email the first time becouse it went to my junk mail not hard to do. I did talk to the guy on the second email. you think I have pulled what twice, I just don't think I should keep posting it eveyday if someone is interested they will contact me.


I am just relaying what I read. Just reading a bunch of old PM threads during middle of the night insomnia, then I saw your name here and it looked familiar.
Most of us will look when they see " Machine Shop for sale" unfortunately
none of them are ever close to me, I am looking for just one piece of equipment,
not a whole shop.
I saw threads on PM where you were offering your shop for sale. In one of them it went on and people were speculating you decided not to sell, and others
thought you had the place auctioned off. I believe this all came about from someone who was interested in making an offer on your equipment that you weren't responding to. It just made it look like you flaked on people, I was just
reporting what I read. If I was interested in a whole shop and I had read those posts I don't know if I would trust that you were serious. If I were you I would clean up the bad press by posting an update.